Luke 1:45 (TPT)  “Great favor is upon you, for you have believed every word spoken to you from the Lord.”

As we track through our days, do we maintain a frequency in our souls that picks up on the divine whisper.  “Blessed are the ears that hear the divine whisper” (Thomas a Kempis).  God is speaking.  God is guiding.  The Holy Spirit is attempting to tutor us.  But when we feel anxious, a lack of compassion, impatient, or easily angered, these are warning lights on the dashboard of our souls that we have lost connection to the source of our spiritual power.  We may be carrying a load that God never intended us to carry.  We have become benign in our effectiveness because we are burned out and need to reconnect to the vine: (Jesus said) Without me you can do nothing (John 15:5).  Slip back into that space in which you live aware of divine favor, of hearing the Lord’s voice, of walking in integrity and congruence with the Spirit of God.  Prioritize your spiritual disciplines (read “Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth” by Richard J. Foster or “Sacred Rhythms” by Ruth Haley Barton).  Engage in an active Bible study with a small group.  Restructure your priorities to allow extra time for prayer and meditation upon God’s Word each day.  Get back to that place where you can sense divine favor and “believe every word spoken to you from the Lord.”