Psalm 138:1 (NLT)  I will praise thee with my whole heart… 

“One of God’s gifts to us is that physical exercise releases endorphins that can sooth our emotions,  ease pain and elevate our mood.  It is not necessary to sit quietly in prayer.”  In fact,  slow,  meditative walks,  jogs,  and bike rides can become an important part of your practice of prayer.  The mind and soul can be less distracted and more fully present to God.  “You can reflect on the events of the day and invite God to reveal evidences of His presence with you,  clues you may have missed in the rush of things.”  This creates time and space for wonder and gratitude at the ways the Divine intersects with the human in the midst of ordinary life.  Gratitude becomes a powerful source of energy to spiritual life.  Pray with your body,  soul,  and spirit.


    Deborah Hall

    I fasted for the month of January, usually I would deny myself food. However, when I heard Pastor Shane say that we could give up anything, I refrained from playing games. I did not know what to expect but I do know that I did not expect the revelations I received from God. I am going to attempt to share these revelations.
    The first couple of weeks, I just had to resist the urge to play my usual games. At my job we have been dealing with inequality which manifest itself in the hiring process and promotions. I have been vocal in my concerns. The third week the fight intensified, and I begin to have headaches and stomach pains. The meetings and the tone of the meetings became harsh and unfortunately my tone fit right in with the harshness.
    On Friday, the 24th I was very frustrated, and my stomach was in knots. When I got home, I laid down in the bed and cried out to God and He answered.
     “Do not be afraid. I will never leave you, my child.”
    The Pastor spoke on the Holy Spirit on Sunday, the 27th, and it was a great sermon. On my way home from church God spoke the following:
     “You have been Baptized in the Holy Spirit. You have power. You know me and I know you, but you choose to work independently. I am God. Walk knowing that you have power, confident and humble.”
    I went to work on Monday, 28th depending on God. To my surprise, two young co-workers in the battle at work are now attending Bible studies. One of the young ladies had written scriptures on sticky notes and placed the sticky notes on her monitor. I thanked God, such a joy to see others seeking Him.
    Then pieces of the revelation began to come into focus. We are in a spiritual battle, but we continue to fight in the flesh. We are not equipped for spiritual battle with the flesh. If we access the spiritual realm than the Holy Spirit will lead us in the battle. God has given us the miracle, the Holy Spirit. He has placed the miracle within us, but if we don’t access this miracle then we are fighting in the flesh. Results from fighting in the flesh are depression, anger, frustration and physical illness. God has not equipped our physical bodies to do spiritual battle.
    I wanted to share this Friday night, but I was not sure how to say it. I hope this helps my sisters and brothers in Christ along this journey. God wants us to live life to the fullest, John 10:10. His word says that He is able to do more that we dare ask, by His mighty power within us, Ephesians 3:20.
    We have the power within to be more than conquerors. Pray that we learn how to access the power within and apply the power. Jesus sent it to us because He knew we could not walk by faith without His power.

    Shane Schlesman

    HI Deborah, thank you so much for sharing your story! Love hearing how fasting and prayer have impacted your walk in the Spirit.

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