Biblical stewardship is an integral part of the spiritual growth process.
If you believe that every possession is a gift from God, then you are committed to their stewardship. We offer tools to help you manage your resources, save taxes, and reduce estate expenses while maximizing your ability to care for yourself, and loved ones.
We serve the church in two distinct ways:
- We provide the structure and support by which contributions and other resources of the church are faithfully managed in order to meet the church’s goals and objectives.
- We offer opportunities for you to understand the biblical principles of stewardship and how to integrate these principles into your life. We do this through structured classes and individual counseling. Providing you with ways to integrate solid financial principles with total scriptural stewardship is one of our ministries.
How Are Weag’s Resources Managed?
Our goal is Godly stewardship and we are committed to accountability to you, as well as to God in all that we do. Management of the church’s resources is supervised by the Board of Deacons who are elected by the membership. They approve the annual budget as well as all capital expenditures. The financial reports are created according to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) guidelines and reviewed monthly by the deacons. Our yearly reports are audited by an outside firm and are available to all members.