Exodus 19: 3-7 (focus verse 5) (NIV) If you will obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession…
Moses responded to God by hearing from Him and then speaking for Him to the people. Consider Moses’ remarkable role and how it, in some ways, aligns with our responsibilities today. As God’s people, we must take time to hear Him speak to us so that we can know His will, behave accordingly, and communicate it to others. The wonderful promises that God gave to Israel depended on their obedience to the covenant (God’s Word). “You will be my treasured possession (vs. 5) …a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (vs. 6)” As God’s people through Christ, we have remarkable access to the power and promises of God. Hear this today: You are God’s treasured possession. Live a fully devoted life, one that is continually connected to Christ, the Living Word.