John 21:18 (NIV)
“I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.”
Jesus’ words to Peter described a reality that found fulfillment in Peter’s death (upside down on a cross, according to church historians). But it also describes something more. It describes a life of sacrifice and of giving up one’s own ideas about how something should be so that God’s ideas supersede. Do we throw an adult tantrum over something that God never promised? Do we allow culture to describe what life should be for us? “Don’t turn God into an emotion. A satisfied heart comes in how we live our daily lives before the Lord.” God did not deliver His only Son from the cross, even though ten thousand angels stood available. He did not exercise His power to do that because something bigger was going on—a divine purpose. Have you learned that sometimes “something bigger” (a divine purpose) is going on in your life? Jesus prophesied to Peter with ominous-sounding words; but then He concluded with two words to sustain Peter through it all: “Follow me!” They are words for us, as well. Together, let’s follow Him.