Joshua 1:6 (NIV) ”Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them.”
Each one of us has an arena of influence, a people group, which we can lead to inherit their “Promised Lands.” We do that as we point people to salvation through Jesus Christ, and then lead them in discipleship. We lead them to “inherit” their “land” as we teach them from God’s Word, and as we model godly behavior, and as we help them discover their God-given gifts and then serve alongside them in service opportunities, and then walk with them in mentoring relationships. We have the ability to turn the tide of the many generations coming behind us by impacting the people around us today. We can turn them away from destruction and toward a blessed future. Be strong and courageous in your interactions with the children, teens, and young adults around you. Lead them to “inherit their land.”