Exodus 16:4a (NIV) Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you…”
Throughout scripture we see a theme of PORTION. God provided for the Israelites in the Wilderness by sending them food one day at a time. They had to learn to trust God, not hoard the food, but know that their portion would come in the morning and just in time. Jesus prayed, “Give us this day our daily bread”—again, PORTION that is daily. This is how God works. We don’t know what tomorrow holds in regard to finances, jobs, health, relationships, etc., but God promises that each day we will have what we need. So we live faithfully because our portion is secure: “you have made my lot secure (Ps. 16:5). God is not changing. We know how this ends. God isn’t going anywhere, and the plans He has for us during this pandemic really do matter. He wants us to take the message of Jesus to the world. Live strong in spite of difficult circumstances knowing that God has a daily provision for you.