Acts 2:3 (TPT) Then all at once a pillar of fire appeared before their eyes. It separated into tongues of fire that engulfed each one of them.
A pillar of fire led Israel from bondage into the promised land. Another pillar of fire initiated God’s people into the powerful life of the Spirit. Each one got a flame–promised by Jesus and sent by the Father (John 14). Each person became equipped and empowered for supernatural ministry. “It came suddenly, so it was not the climax to physical, emotional, or psychic effort. It originated with God and, therefore, came neither from men nor from Satan. It came as a sound, perceivable by human hearing. It came in appearance, perceivable by sight. It came to individuals as a personal experience. It came in a miraculous manifestation of speaking in languages not known by the speaker. It came as a vocal manifestation of the Spirit. It came to 120 people at the same time—as an incontrovertibly multiple evidence of one Source, impossible to attribute to natural origin or individual production.” Remember, each one gets a flame.