Psalm 18:10 (NIV) – The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
God reveals himself by various names that relate to His ability to meet the needs of His people. This week we will pray, using the various names of God. Each name reveals an aspect of His character that relates to a need—back then in Bible days, but also today, because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). The Bible includes more than 85 names of God and each one gives us a description of who He is and how He wants to relate to us. He longs to be involved with us on a personal level; and, as Dr. Tony Evans says, “Prayer is heavenly permission for earthy interference.” So we will pray over our situations using God’s various names. “Lord, you are my strong tower of defense. I run to you for safety. Protect me from calamity and destruction for I am your child. I belong to you.” Amen.