Judges 6:14, 16 The Lord turned to (Gideon) and said, “Go in the strength you have…I will be with you.”
Gideon felt weak and inadequate, yet God had selected him to lead Israel to victory over their enemies. His conversation with God was punctuated with the words: why, if, but, and how? In spite of Gideon’s reservations, the Lord chose him. God’s call and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment qualify us for service in God’s kingdom far above our natural abilities. God sees your potential. Is the Lord saying to you, “Go in the strength you have…I will be with you”? Often we feel inadequate, but if we will just take the next few steps and get started, progress will come. What task has the Lord chosen for you that seems far beyond your capabilities? Walk one step at a time into the challenge: go on the mission trip, host the small group—do what He says. Then watch how the pathway opens before you.