Joshua 5:1 (The Message)
When all the Amorite kings west of the Jordan and the Canaanite kings along the seacoast heard how God had stopped the Jordan river before the People of Israel until they had crossed over, their hearts sank; the courage drained out of them just thinking about the People of Israel.
Somehow the word spread quickly about the Jordan River miracle. Earlier, Rahab had informed the spies that everyone in Jericho had heard about Israel traveling their direction and were terrified. Here again we learn that the enemies of the Lord were “paralyzed with fear” (NLT). When God’s people are unified and moving forward under His Lordship and leadership, all who are enemies of the Lord shake with fear. Judgment Day is coming. People will stand before the Lord to give an account of how they lived their lives—how they used their power and gifts and talents. But for now, the Church of Jesus Christ must stand together and stand strong for the truth of salvation through Jesus and for the ways of the Lord, which include righteousness and justice for people everywhere. Don’t let the darkness overcome you! It trembles over our power. “Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21 NIV).