Matthew 19:4 (NLT) “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied….
As He taught, Jesus confirmed the authenticity and inspiration of Genesis (Matt. 19:4-6; 24:37-39). It was not written as poetry or in a mythical style; it records history and fact—not fable. Unlike other “sacred” books held by other faiths, our Bible is constructed throughout in a simple, perfectly intelligible, and well-sustained plan. Its pages are “inspired” (God-breathed). Moses wrote Genesis during the forty years in the wilderness as he met with God on Mount Sinai and received all the details of creation. Adam’s story was 4000+ B.C.; Abraham lived in 2000 B.C.; Joseph died in 1804 B.C.; Moses lived in 1500 B.C.; and David lived in 1000 B.C. (The Hayford Bible Handbook). “God created humankind as partners, not as peons.” Those who embrace faith through Jesus know the joy of that wonderful relationship. Study your Bible! Root your soul in its life-giving truths.