John 10:10 (NIV) …I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
The symptoms of a healthy soul include: a sense of God’s abiding presence in this moment; peace and joy (fruit of the Spirit) confidence and faith balanced with humility; a sense of safety; a sense of purpose; energy; attentiveness to others. But the symptoms of a sick soul include: loss of a sense of real-time connection with God; anger, anxiety, stress; a critical and judgmental spirit; fear; selfish withdrawal; apathy; disappointment with people and God; a sense of entitlement; and selfish withdrawal. Which words describe you? Contrast the pace of your life with the pace of your soul. Jesus often withdrew to a quiet place to pray—even when the crowds were clamoring for His attention. “Jesus’ example grants us permission (and perhaps even a directive) to retreat to solitary places for extended prayer.” Are you doing that? Henri Nouwen encouraged readers to retreat for alone time with God an hour a day, an afternoon a week, a day a month, a week a year. How might that spiritual practice enhance your life?