Devotion – Tue. Feb. 19, 2019 – All Authority

Devotion – Tue. Feb. 19, 2019 – All Authority

All Authority

“I have authority to lay it (my life) down and authority to take it up again.”

John 10:18b

The story of Jesus does not end tragically in a gruesome death on a cross. It leads to an open tomb—but it doesn’t end there. It winds down through the centuries, all the way to today, through the lives of millions of transformed followers of Jesus who have experienced resurrection life. Ours is the only religion that points to an empty tomb. Ours is the only religion that leads people to impact the world in life-giving demonstrations of sacrificial love. Jesus calls us to lay down our lives so that we can experience a resurrected life that places Him and His values in the center of everything. He has authority—He is the authority. One day every knee will bow in recognition of that reality (Phil. 2:10).


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