Matthew 28:20b (NLT) (Jesus said)…And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
“Over time our body and soul respond to established rhythms, so eventually the very act of entering this set-apart time and place (for prayer) ushers us into our own inner sanctuary. There we can listen to our desire for God and God’s desire for us and allow that desire to guide us beyond our information-grasping, controlling, problem-solving patterns of relating and into the beyond-words communion we seek. Sacred space is more than a place set apart for prayer in our home; it is also a place in our soul that is set apart for God and God alone.” Prayer is essentially being with God, laying down our lists, surrendering our demands, and receiving His love and wisdom. We learn how to pray His words and, therefore, echo His will over every person on our prayer list. Eventually, we learn to discern His voice no matter where we are—in our prayer chair or in the grocery store. We learn that He is with us always, and we have access to each other at all times. Oh, the joy of that truth! Relish it: unity with Christ. Always.