Luke 9:27 (TPT) (Jesus speaking) “…there are some of you standing here right now who will not die until you have witnessed the presence and the power of God’s kingdom realm.”
Just eight days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John with Him up a mountain to pray; and it was there that this prophecy was fulfilled (Luke 9:29-31). The disciples were unprepared. They had become “very drowsy, but they became fully awake when they saw the glory and splendor of Jesus standing there” (vs. 32). Supernatural things are more easily misunderstood than rightly understood. Peter responded to the experience impetuously and through his religious lens. Should they build something to memorialize the moment (Joshua 4:19-24)? What do I do with this experience? “Spiritual things must be spiritually discerned” (I Cor. 2:14). That takes Holy Spirit unveiling (I Cor. 2:13-16), the mind of Christ, sometimes a spiritual director/counselor. Don’t write off, ignore, resist, or rush to interpret (misinterpret) what you don’t understand about spirituality. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes so that you can discern rightly (II Kings 6:17) and respond appropriately. Do we want to experience the presence and power of God’s kingdom realm? Jesus “took” them up that mountain. Has He taken you up, also?