Genesis 1:26a (NIV) Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…”
The image of God in man consisted of several things. First, a SPIRITUAL likeness of personality with: Intellect (Psalm 139:1-4), sensibility (Heb. 3:10); and will (Col. 4:12). Second, the likeness of God is reflected in our MORAL likeness— “in righteousness and true holiness” (Eph. 4:24). Third, we have a PHYSICAL likeness in that our physical form is made after the spiritual form of God (Num. 12:8; Ex. 33:18-23; Rev. 5:1-7; Matt. 18:10). Unlike the animals, which are ruled by instinct, we have the capacity to choose with a conscience to serve as a judge to condemn or approve our conduct. We are rational creatures, capable of thought, imagination, reason, and speech. We can do purposeful work and appreciate the beauty, order, and progress of God’s remarkable creation. We must live our highest, best life and reflect to the world the life of God within us.