Matthew 11:25-26 (MSG) Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer: “Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. You’ve concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people (the childlike NLT; little children NIV; babes KJVS).
God does not put a premium on ignorance (Matt. 22:29); but He does not put a premium on academic achievements either, however useful they can be as an adjunct to a God-given ministry, as a servant though not as a master. God puts the premium on obedience, with or without a formal education. The pages of ecclesiastical history bear abundant testimony to the fact that temptation is very present, exceedingly subtle, most persuasive and powerful in its appeal. The knowledge of God is not attained by the usual process of acquiring information, but by revelation (Matt. 11:27). The “babes” (KJV) are those without vanity and guile, often of lowly origin. They are “poor in spirit” whether educated or uneducated, whether high or low in social status. They are unprejudiced toward the truth, unhindered by a negative attitude toward the truth. They are those who “with meekness receive the engrafted word” (James 1:21). Walk in humble obedience.