Galatians 5:1 (MSG) – Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.
Nancy DeMoss’s book, “Lies Women Believe,” addresses specific areas of deception that we operate under—both men and women. Identifying them, naming them for what they are, and reaching for the Good Shepherd’s hand to guide us out of deception and into freedom is what Nancy’s book so beautifully unpacks. We don’t realize how our culture is riddled with deception. My Facebook feed constantly pitches new products to make me thinner and less wrinkled! Lately, I’ve been examining the kinds of attractions that tend to draw me in and it has been interesting to re-evaluate my priorities based on the distractions that pull me off path and into a spiritual cul-de-sac. What is your default distraction? In these days of Corona19, as you have some spare time, what will you do with it? I challenge you to make extra time for God’s Word. Do a Bible study (see RightNow Media—hundreds of topics and studies to choose from: What study you are doing?